>> Ten Lesson Plans from NJ Ag in the Classroom >>
- Growing Gloves. Transparent plastic gloves serve as the container for seed germination in this seed sprouting experiment.
- Jobs That Help Feed The World 3-5. If you ask your students “where does your food come from?” what will they answer?
- A Roly Poly Habitat. Children are fascinated by roly polies, also known as pill or doodle bugs.
- Gardeners Plant in Soil Not Dirt. Dirt is dead, but soil is a living ecosystem.
- Fun Books to Start. A Conversation About Nutrition
- My Life as A Vegetable. Learning how a plant grows into each of its six parts can be creative and fun!
- Plays to Explain. What Happens in the Garden
- My Peculiar Plant Person. What are the parts of plants we eat?
- Rice Paddy in a Bucket. Rice is one of the world’s most important food crops
- Jobs That Help Feed The World K-2. If you ask your students “where does your food come from?” what will they a