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Mission: Specialty Crop - Passport Survey
Please fill out the survey below to help us report for our grant the outcomes of the Specialty Crop Passport Challenge. When answering the questions, please remember that "specialty crops" are NJ-grown fruits & vegetables, seeds, nursery crops, cut flowers, honey & maple syrup and wine & hops. Each family will receive a cookbook and reusable tote bag and a prize for each child. Thank you so much for participating in the project!
Indicates required field
For the purpose of this project, how many TOTAL visits did you make to farms, markets or stores that sell NJ specialty crops?
Was the grocery store your main source of NJ specialty crops?
How many different community farmers markets did you visit? * Note: A community farmers market has multiple vendors all in one location.
How many different u-pick farms did you visit?
How many different farm stands (a stand at a farm) or roadside stands did you visit?
How many different garden centers or nurseries did you visit?
How many different wineries or breweries did you visit?
What specialty crop did you buy the most? Please select one.
Nursery Crops
Cut Flowers
Honey and Maple Syrup
Wine and Hops
Did you try anything new as a result of the project? Please share success stories of a new vegetable tried or a new plant growing in your garden or other examples.
How often did your family consume or use NJ specialty crops as a result of the project?
Every day.
3-5 Times per week.
1-2 Times per week.
Not at all
Do you feel that this was an increase compared to your previous consumption?
Were your children more enthusiastic to try new fruits and vegetables or other specialty crops? Please share any success stories.
Do you think you will continue expanding your visits to farms, garden centers, nurseries and farmers markets as a result of the project?
Please provide the following information so that we may contact you about prizes. Thank you for your time!
How many children are in your family?