OBJECTIVES: Legislative tour. Learn about role of government and non-government agencies to understand how agricultural policies are made.
- US Botanic Garden Conservancy – tour led by: Susan Pell – Acting Director of the USBG.
- “Monuments by Moonlight” Trolley Tours, Inc. – explore DC; stops at World War II Memorial, FDR, Lincoln, Vietnam Veterans, Korean War and Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorials.
- USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service – welcome and overview led by Troy Joshua, Chief of Staff, Office of the Administrator USDA-NASS.
- USDA Foreign Agricultural Service – Topics include NAFTA, Trade Policy, Marketing Assistance, Food Security.
- US Holocaust Memorial Museum – the purpose of the NJALDP is to foster leadership development; this museum offers a strong example of when leadership fails, and the terrible consequences that resulted.
- American Farm Bureau Federation – discuss trade issues, immigration and advocacy.
- Tour of Capital.
- Congressional visits – class scheduled appointments before trip to discuss agricultural issues.
- Sen. Booker’s Office – meet with legislative aid.
- Embassy of Canada – Agricultural trade between our two countries was $2.1 Billion; NJ Exported $992 Million to Canada in agricultural products.
- United Fresh Produce – topics include United Fresh in Policy, Food Safety, lobbying for produce industry, growers, shippers, etc.